Nurturing Generational Understanding

Scrabble cubes spelling the word PRONOUNS

In this third blog for Pride Month, Keith Winestein shares his reflections on pronoun etiquette in the LGBTQ+ and wider communities in the run up to London Pride.


As London Pride approaches, I am reminded of two incidents that deeply troubled me: encounters with older gay men who scorned the use of pronouns by young LGBTQ+ individuals. These experiences, occurring during the festive season and at a celebratory dinner, left me disheartened. It is crucial for me, as an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance, to address the importance of respecting pronouns. I'm working to foster generational understanding and embrace pronoun inclusivity as we come together to celebrate love, acceptance, and progress during London Pride and beyond.

The Power of Language

Language plays a pivotal role in shaping our identities and experiences. Pronouns, in particular, hold profound significance in expressing one's gender identity. By respecting and using the correct pronouns, we validate and affirm individuals, creating a more inclusive and compassionate society. Dismissing or scorning pronouns undermines the inclusivity we strive for as a community.

Generational Diversity and Understanding

The LGBTQ+ community encompasses individuals of diverse ages, each with their own unique experiences and perspectives. Progress has been made through the efforts of those who fought for the rights and freedoms we enjoy today. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the needs and experiences of younger LGBTQ+ individuals may differ. Bridging the generational divide requires open dialogue, active listening, and cultivating empathy and understanding.

Challenging Our Biases

Resistance or discomfort towards non-traditional pronouns can stem from a lack of exposure, understanding, or ingrained biases. It is our responsibility to challenge these biases, educate ourselves, and strive to comprehend the experiences of younger generations. By embracing unfamiliar pronouns, we contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate society, fostering personal growth and community unity.

Embracing Unity and Respect

London Pride is a time for our LGBTQ+ community to unite, celebrating our diversity and resilience. True unity and inclusivity can be achieved by embracing the use of pronouns and affirming the identities of all individuals. Pronouns are not a threat to our own identities but a means to create a space where everyone feels valued and respected.

Promoting Dialogue and Education

Bridging the generational divide necessitates open and respectful dialogue. Older community members can share their wisdom and experiences, while younger individuals provide insights into the evolving landscape of gender identity and expression. Education and understanding serve as catalysts for progress and unity, allowing us to build bridges of acceptance within our diverse LGBTQ+ family.


As we anticipate London Pride on 1 July 2023, let us reflect on the significance of pronoun etiquette and generational understanding within our LGBTQ+ community. The incidents I witnessed served as poignant reminders of the ongoing work needed to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all. By respecting pronouns and valuing the identities of all individuals, we foster a culture of acceptance where everyone can authentically express their truth.


You may find Stonewall’s beginner’s guide to pronouns and using pronouns in the workplace useful. Other great resources include and the LGBT Foundation.

Together, let us march forward in unity, embracing diversity, and working towards a future where everyone feels seen, heard, and celebrated. Happy Pride!