What's on

Our activities are wide and far reaching. From family support sessions, fitness classes and learning to art exhibitions, festivals and talks, we have created a programme for the entire community.

Community Day photo

We also offer a range of services and support, please click here for further information.

Paint pots

Over 50s Art Group

Over 50s Art Group.

Date: -

Time: Every other Friday 11am-1pm

Venue: Coin Street neighbourhood centre

Price: £3 optional donation

Women dancing and laughing

Shake Your Groove!

Calling all mums in Southwark! It's time to shake your groove in our weekly dance class with Jreena Green.

Date: -

Time: Tuesdays 11:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Colombo Centre, 34-68 Colombo St, London SE1 8DP

Price: Free

Woman plays with baby

Henry Workshops

A holistic approach that focuses on improving nutrition, emotional wellbeing, oral health and a more active lifestyle.

Date: -

Time: January 9, 12.30pm - 2.30pm. February 20, 12.30pm - 2.30pm. February 27, 12.30pm - 2.30pm.

Venue: Coin Street neighbourhood centre, 108 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH

Price: Free


Girl's gym

Come along and enjoy our FREE girls only gym sessions.

Date: -

Time: Saturday's 3pm - 4pm

Venue: Colombo Centre gym, 34-68 Colombo St, London SE1 8DP

Price: Free

mother massaging baby

Baby Massage 5 weeks

Baby massage is a wonderful way to strengthen the bond between parent and baby.

Date: -

Time: Wednesday 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Venue: Coin Street neighbourhood centre, 108 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH

Price: Free


Upgrade Yourself tutoring and mentoring

1:1 tutoring and mentoring for young people ages 10-18.

Date: -

Time: Mondays (term time) 4-6pm

Venue: Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre

Price: Free

older women and man in dancercise class


Dance along with Tracy to a variety of styles​, rhythms and tempos to keep fit and healthy whilst having fun!

Date: -

Time: Tuesdays 10-11am

Venue: Colombo Centre, 34-68 Colombo St, London SE1 8DP

Price: £3

ESOL course

English Course

ESOL Course for those wanting to improve their English Skills.

Date: -

Time: Mondays 1pm - 3pm

Venue: Coin Street neighbourhood centre, 108 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH

Price: Free

Colombo Centre Gym

Youth Gym

Fitness sessions for 14–18 year olds to get advice on fitness, exercise and using gym equipment effectively.

Date: -

Time: Fridays 5-7pm, Sunday's 4-5pm

Venue: The Colombo Centre

Price: Free

Young child plays with a wooden train wearing a paper crown

Childminder Practice Share

A monthly session especially for childminders where good practice, ideas, hints and tips can be shared.

Date: -

Time: Wednesday 29 January, 10 - 11.30 am. Wednesday 26 February, 10 - 11.30am. Wednesday 26 March, 10 - 11.30am. Wednesday 11 December, 10 - 11.30am

Venue: Coin Street neighbourhood centre, 108 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH

Price: Free

Children gardening

Gardening Workshop

A forest-school workshop which happens once a month.

Date: -

Time: Saturday 10am - 11.30am (once a month)

Venue: Southwark Park, Hawkstone road, SE16 2PF

Price: Free