reality imagined

A joint exhibition between Rose Long and Nicholas Gentilli at gallery@oxo. Both artists explore the nature of the transient and the way we perceive it.

“The longer you engage with Art, the more reality alters, and the imagined arrives.” Gentilli (photographer) + Long (painter)

Rose Long

I am compelled to paint. I explore identity and tell stories about family and places.

I am fascinated by the built environment. How proportion and symmetry and the spaces these create transport you away from reality through imagination.

Nicholas Gentilli

As a photographer I explore repetition and introduce the “filmic” into my Art. How do you make the static and immovable, mobile and expressive? I explore time, place and use humour and colour as cloaks. I shake the foundations of the “real” and move them towards the “imaginary”. Photography inherently explores in a millisecond the very frenetic nature of our existences. Very often, the structure of our surroundings does (quite understandably) pass us by. I hold my hand up, make you slow down, make you see again.

Further details can be found at www.RealityImagined.co.uk
