Marie's Story


I first got involved with Coin Street around 2003 as a volunteer for the Family and Children’s Centre. My friend used to volunteer there so she invited me down and we went together. Back then, the neighbourhood centre hadn’t been built, so the Family and Children’s Centre was based in portacabins where the Doon Street site is.  

I loved volunteering there, everyone that I interacted with was very charming and energetic, always making sure the children had the best time. I was always excited to tun up and join in with all the singing and playing. Guy Hanscombe, the then Head of Family and Children services, had an infectious energy and made it such welcoming and joyful place for all.  This experience sowed the seed for my love of Coin Street. 

In 2004, my son came along. I made sure that he got involved with Coin Street and took him to play sessions, also introducing his nanny to Coin Street. As a new mother, Coin Street offered lots of support, encouragement and just a really friendly atmosphere. 

We were given lots of information and were provided with educational classes as well as exercise. We were also signposted to places where we could receive support in the local area. I would have been totally lost without this, Coin Street has been such a helpful organisation for me and other mums.  

Fast forward to 2018, after many years enjoying all that Coin Street had to offer, I had to leave my full-time job due to poor health. I couldn’t commit to working regular hours due to the care I was receiving. At one of the sessions I was attending at Coin Street, I heard that there was a casual job available on the Help Desk. 

As I was still regularly being treated, it was a great fit for me. I was always coming in and out of the neighbourhood centre, so I already knew the staff, who were now to become my colleagues.  

It’s a real privilege to be working for Coin Street and to give back, as Coin Street has given me so much over the years.  

I couldn’t recommend Coin Street more. It’s a wonderful organisation. I feel blessed to be part of it. I have done many different things over my lifetime, but this is the perfect match for me. I admire what Coin Street stands for, its place in society and how they embrace and support all areas of the community.  

My hope is that I will be working here for as long as they need me. I love what I do. I meet my neighbours at Coin Street and encourage my friends to get involved. For example, I started training at Colombo Centre gym 20 years ago, and since Coin Street took over, I’ve seen how much it’s improved.  

I just can’t keep away. Even on the days I’m not working I pop in. The culture of the organisation attracts such lovely people. Nothing is too big or too small for someone to lend a hand. Everyone is so willing to help.  

I used to come running around this area (South Bank) when none of this was here. There was no neighbourhood centre or housing. The peace and calm of the area drew me here. I remember thinking that ‘one day I will live here’, I wished it into the universe. I found a place to live and now I work in the area as well.  

In the time that I have been here I’ve seen everything grow and develop around me, including Coin Street, I love it here. 

I admire what Coin Street stands for, its place in society and how they embrace and support all areas of the community.