Richard's Big Half Blog


On 1 September, fourteen runners from Coin Street and the local community will be taking on the Big Half to raise money for Youth Night, our weekly youth club at the Colombo Centre.

It will be a massive challenge for all our runners with some never having run before. We’re hoping to raise £4,200, which will go towards supporting the continued success of youth night and introducing new activities for the young people of Southwark and Lambeth to enjoy. 

But who are our runners and why are they taking on the 13.1-mile course? We sat down with Richard Atkins who shared his running journey and motivations behind signing up for The Big Half.

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I signed up for The Big Half after my partner, Leila, who works at Coin Street, got me involved. When she signed up, I think it brought out the competitive side of me and I thought I should give it a go as well. It’s now given us some healthy couples rivalry. 

Whereas it’s Leila’s first time running a half marathon, I have run before and previously completed a marathon. The Big Half is a great opportunity for me to maintain my fitness and get back into the swing of running, whilst also raising money for a great cause. 

I am keen to raise money which will go towards helping young people. I used to be a P.E teacher in London so I’m in a unique position to have seen first-hand just how important youth clubs and services are for young people.

I used to be a P.E teacher in London so I’m in a unique position to have seen first-hand just how important youth clubs and services are for young people.

Especially with the amount of youth clubs, services and provisions that have been cut, it’s great that Coin Street are still able to provide a youth club which is attended by so many children.

With my background in teaching and working with young people, I have a soft spot for them, and I know on a personal level what they go through, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

I’ve not always been an avid runner, but it’s a great form of exercise to keep you in shape and maintain a good cardiovascular fitness. When you go for a good run, it can really help with your mental health and is a great way to switch off from work or other stresses you may be feeling in your life. 

This is the same with all sports. I would encourage anyone to take up sport especially if you’re feeling low or not in a great place because getting moving is a great way to make yourself feel better. 

This is another reason Youth Night is such a great initiative to be raising money for because they encourage children to take part in sports. With the money we raise hopefully we can open the doors for more children to have access to sports pitches and coaches.