Coin Street Secondary Housing Co-operative Board (CSS)

red brick housing cooperative named Palm, overlooking gardens, with the OXO Tower showing in the background

CSS focuses on housing activities and is registered with the Regulator of Social Housing and the Financial Conduct Authority. It leases its developments to fully mutual ‘primary’ co-ops. CSS is responsible for maintaining lifts and the external structures of its developments.

A man in a red jumper and glasses stands under an archway in front of a green door

Hashi Mohamed

Chair of CSS and member of Change Working Group

A woman with chin length brown hair looking at the camera, wearing a stripey top

Joy Walton

Deputy Chair of CSS and Member of Nominations Committee and Governance Working Group

Man smiles at the camera, wearing a blue suit and red tie

Miles Lanham

Deputy chair of CSS, Member of Compliance Action Working Group and Complaints Officer

Man with grey hair smiles at the camera

David Holmes

Treasurer of CSS

Man with glasses, beard and earring wearing a black top, smiles at the camera

Nic Bliss

Member of CSS and Change Working Group

Man in a blue suit with a red tie, and flower in his button hole, smiles at the camera in front of a draped backdrop

Irandeep Cooner

Member of CSS

women with short, dark brown hair smiles in front of a white wall, wearing a black cardigan and blue and yellow flowery top

Nimisha Patel

Member of CSS and Compliance Action Working Group

Martin Medlycott

Member of CSS


Simon Basey

Member of CSS


Robert Carroll

Member of CSS


Kara Tomes-Meek

Member of CSS